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Bench Clerk Recruitment 2025 – ₹13,500 Salary | EXAM Dates, Syllabus at Dakshin Dinajpur

The Government of West Bengal, Office of the District Magistrate, Dakshin Dinajpur, Balurghat, Social Welfare Section (District Child Protection Unit), has announced Recruitment 2024 for the post of Bench Clerk on a contractual basis under the Juvenile Justice Board. The recruitment is part of the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS).

Clerk Recruitment 2024 – Eligibility, Dates & How to Apply! 

Advertisement No 10/DCPU/DD
Organization Name Government of West Bengal, Office of the District Magistrate, Dakshin Dinajpur
Posts name Bench Clerk
Job location Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal
Total number of vacancies 01
Mode of selection Written Test, Computer Test, Viva Voce
Apply mode Online
Application Close 15.02.2025
More updates from this website recruitmentdd.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Post Name: Bench Clerk

No. of Vacancies: 01 (Unreserved)

Age Limit: 21-40 years (as of 14.01.2025)

Educational Qualification: Higher Secondary; essential knowledge in computer operations.

Remuneration: ₹13,500/- per month (consolidated).

Application Fee

No application need for applying this job application.

Examination Details

  • Written Test: 80 marks (English, Bengali, Mathematics, General Knowledge).
  • Computer Test: 10 marks.
  • Viva Voce: 10 marks (1:5 ratio based on merit).

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 15-01-25
Application close date 15-02-25

How to apply for Clerk Recruitment

To apply for the Bench Clerk posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

Candidates must apply online via the official website: https://recruitmentdd.in. Upon submission, a unique registration number will be generated. Applicants must save this number for future references such as downloading the admit card.

Documents Required

  1. Proof of age (Birth Certificate, Madhyamik Admit Card, etc.)
  2. Residential proof (Voter ID, Aadhaar, or Residential Certificate).
  3. Educational certificates and mark sheets.
  4. Certificate for computer knowledge from a recognized institution.
  5. Work experience certificate (if applicable).

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