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Calcutta High Court 02 Translator Recruitment - Application, Dates, Eligibility & More!

High Court at Calcutta Recruitment 2025: The High Court at Calcutta has announced Recruitment 2025 for the post of Translator on its Original Side establishment. This notification invites applications for 2 vacancies, offering an excellent opportunity for eligible Indian citizens with knowledge of the state's vernacular language. The positions are initially temporary, with the possibility of permanency. In this article, we will cover details like the post name, vacancies, qualifications, application process, and important dates.

Calcutta High Court Translator Jobs 2025

Advertisement No 01-HCOS/TSL/2025
Organization Name High Court at Calcutta
Posts name Translator
Job location Kolkata, West Bengal
Total number of vacancies 2
Mode of selection Written Test and Viva Voce/Interview
Apply mode Offline
Application Close February 5, 2025
More updates from this website calcuttahighcourt.gov.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification


Vacancy: 02


  1. Passed Higher Secondary (10+2) from WBCHSE or equivalent.
  2. Proficiency in the vernacular language of West Bengal.

Scale of Pay: ₹28,900 - ₹74,500 (Pay Matrix Level 9) with a minimum pay of ₹29,800.

Age Limit: 18 to 40 years as of the notification date, with age relaxation for SC/ST candidates as per rules.

Selection Prosses for Translator post

Written Test: Includes translation tasks between Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, and English (50 marks).

Viva Voce/Interview: 10 marks.

Qualifying marks: 60% for the written test and 40% for the viva voce.

Application fee

he application fee is ₹400 for SC/ST candidates and ₹800 for others, payable through a Punjab National Bank challan.

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 10-01-2025
Application close date 05-02-2025

How to apply for Calcutta High Court Translator Recruitment

To apply for the Translator posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

Applications must be submitted in a sealed envelope mentioning therein the category and the post applied for on the top left corner, which shall have to reach the Office of the Registrar, Original Side, 1st Floor, Main Building, High Court at Calcutta, Kolkata – 700 001 on or before February 05, 2025.

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