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Durgapur Projects Limited Security Personnel Recruitment - Apply Now

The Durgapur Projects Limited (DPL) Recruitment 2024 has announced an exciting opportunity for candidates interested in joining as Security Personnel on a contractual basis. DPL, a Government of West Bengal enterprise engaged in electricity generation, is seeking eligible candidates who meet the specified criteria. This article covers all essential details, including the post, qualifications, application process, and important dates for The Durgapur Projects Limited (DPL) Recruitment 2024.

DPL Security Personnel Recruitment 2025

Advertisement No DPL RECRUITMENT/2024/12
Organization Name The Durgapur Projects Limited (DPL)
Posts name Security Personnel
Job location Durgapur, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal
Total number of vacancies Not specified
Mode of selection Personal Interview (PI)
Apply mode Offline/Email
Application Close 15 days from the date of advertisement
More updates from this website dpl.net.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Security Personnel


  • Knowledge of the Bengali language is preferable.
  • .Graduate in any Discipline.
  • Experience: at least 15 years post qualification experience in any of the Armed forces of the Union/ Polkel ParamititaryIndustrial establishment holding posts not below the rank of DSP of Police fiCO in armed forces of the Union. ln case of industrial establishment, the Candidates should have experience in responsible position in the Security Department not less than 05 years.

Engagement Period: Initially for 1 year, extendable upon satisfactory performance.

Selection Prosses

Selection will be based on a Personal Interview (PI).

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 16-01-25
Application close date 30-01-2025

How to apply for Security Personnel Posts

To apply for the Security Personnel posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

  • Interested candidates must apply using the prescribed format (Annexure A).
  • Applications should include self-attested copies of testimonials and two passport-sized photographs.
  • Email the completed application to career@dpl.net.in or submit it to the General Manager (HR&A), DPL Administrative Building, Dr. B.C. Roy Avenue, Durgapur - 713201.

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