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IACS Recruitment - Apply Now for Research Fellow Post

Exciting news from the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science in Kolkata! They’re hiring a Research Fellow for a BRNS-sponsored project on magnetic memories using magneto-electric coupling. The fellowship offers ₹31,000 per month for JRF and ₹35,000 for SRF, plus HRA.

If you have an M.Sc. in Physics or Materials Science, NET/GATE qualification, or research experience, this is your chance! Applications close on 31st January 2025. Send your bio-data and documents to Professor Saurav Giri at the address provided in the notification

Research Jobs in Kolkata – Apply for IACS Post Today

Advertisement No SG/SPS/002 Dated 15-01-2025
Organization Name Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Posts name Research Fellow
Job location Jadavpur, Kolkata
Total number of vacancies 01
Mode of selection Shortlisting and Interview
Apply mode Hard Copy and Email
Application Close 31/01/2025
More updates from this website iacs.res.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Project Name: Developing materials for magnetic memories using magneto-electric coupling

Project Duration: Until 31st July 2026


  • ₹31,000 per month (1st & 2nd year as JRF)
  • ₹35,000 per month (3rd year as SRF)

Eligibility Criteria: M.Sc. in Physics or Materials Science with First Class marks.


  • NET/GATE qualification or At least one year of research experience in materials synthesis, characterization, or data analysis.
  • Commitment to stay for the entire project duration

Selection Prosses for Research Fellow Jobs

The selection process for the Research Fellow position at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) is as follows:

  • Shortlisting of Applications: Candidates will be shortlisted based on their academic qualifications, research experience, and eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
  • Interview Intimation: Shortlisted candidates will be notified via email about the date, time, and venue of the interview.
  • Interview: The selection will be conducted through a personal interview, where candidates will be evaluated based on their subject knowledge, research experience, and suitability for the project.
  • Final Selection: The decision of the selection committee will be final. Selected candidates will be informed via email.

Application fee

No application fee is required

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 15-01-25
Application close date 31-01-25

How to apply for Research Fellow Post

To apply for the  Research Fellow posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

  • Complete bio-data
  • Phone number and email address
  • Attested copies of certificates, mark sheets, and proof of experience

Deadline: Applications must reach by 31st January 2025. Advanced Application: Candidates may send an advanced copy via email to sspsg2@gmail.com.

Postal Address for Application: Dr. Saurav Giri, Professor, School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032

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