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IOCL Apprenticeships 2025: Apply for Technician, Graduate & Trade Posts!

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) regarding the engagement of Trade, Technician, and Graduate Apprentices in the Eastern Region under the Apprentices Act, 1961. This document outlines the eligibility criteria, application process, important dates, and other essential details.

 IOCL is offering various apprenticeship opportunities in disciplines like Fitter, Electrician, Electronics Mechanic, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Civil Engineering, Data Entry Operator, and Graduate Apprentices in multiple states and union territories of India (including West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha, etc.).

Apply for Technician, Graduate & Trade Posts in Indian Oil

Advertisement No IOCL/MKTG/ER/APPR/2024-25 Date: 24.01.2025
Organization Name Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)
Posts name Trade Apprentice, Technician Apprentice, Graduate Apprentice
Job location West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, Assam, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh
Total number of vacancies Not specified (based on discipline and location)
Mode of selection Merit-based (no written test/interview)
Apply mode Online via NAPS/NATS portal
Application Close 14-2-2025
More updates from this website iocl.com/apprenticeships

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Eligibility: Specific qualifications are required for each discipline (e.g., ITI, Diploma, or Bachelor's degree) and candidates must have completed their education within certain timeframes:

  • Graduate and Technician Apprentices: Between 01.04.2021 and 31.01.2025.
  • Trade Apprentices (ITI/Data Entry Operator): Between 01.04.2020 and 31.01.2025.

Age Limit: The age of the candidate should be between 18 and 24 years as of 31.01.2025. There are relaxations for SC/ST/OBC candidates and PwBD categories.

Stipend and Duration: Apprentices will receive a stipend as per the Apprentices Act and the training will last for 12 months.

Selection Prosses for apprenticeship post at IOCL

 There will be no written tests or interviews. Selection will be based on merit (academic qualifications), and shortlisted candidates will undergo document verification and a medical fitness test.

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 24-01-25
Application close date 14th February 2025

How to apply for Indian Oil Apprenticeship Program 2025

To apply for the , Technician, and Graduate Apprentices posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

Candidates need to apply through the NAPS/NATS portal, ensuring they meet the required eligibility criteria, and also complete a Microsoft Form for further details. Applications must be submitted by 14th February 2025 at 5:00 PM.

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