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North Eastern Railway Act Apprentice 2025: 1,104 Apprentice Vacancies Full Details

The North Eastern Railway (NER) has released the Act Apprentice Training Notification 2025-26 under the Apprentices Act, 1961. Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for a total of 1,104 apprenticeship slots across various workshops and units. This is a great opportunity for candidates seeking to gain hands-on experience and skills in various trades.

Indian Railways Act Apprentice 2025 overview

Advertisement No NER/RRC/Act Apprentice/2025-26
Organization Name North Eastern Railway
Posts name Act Apprentice
Job location Various units under North Eastern Railway
Total number of vacancies 1104
Mode of selection Merit-based (Matriculation & ITI marks)
Apply mode Online
Application Close 23.02.2025
More updates from this website ner.indianrailways.gov.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

North Eastern Railway Act Apprentice Details

Educational Qualifications:

  • Candidates must have passed 10th standard (High School) with at least 50% marks.
  • Must possess an ITI certificate in the relevant trade as of the notification date (24th January 2025).

Age Limit: Minimum: 15 years, Maximum: 24 years as of 24th January 2025.

Age relaxation: 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC, and 10 years for PwBD candidates.

Physical Standards: Candidates must submit a medical certificate as per the prescribed format during document verification.

Training and Stipend: The apprenticeship training will follow the syllabus prescribed by the Central Apprenticeship Council. Selected candidates will receive a stipend as per the extant rules during the training period.

Selection prosses explained for NER Act Apprentice 2025

Selection will be based on a merit list, prepared by averaging the percentage marks obtained in both Matriculation (with a minimum of 50% aggregate) and ITI examination.

Shortlisted candidates will be called for Document Verification at Gorakhpur. Candidates must carry the following:

  • Online application printout
  • Medical certificate
  • Four passport-sized photographs
  • Original certificates and testimonials

Application fee

Fees details for RRC NER Apprentice positions

  • General/OBC/EWS: ₹100
  • SC/ST/PwBD/Women: Exempted

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date January 24, 2025
Application close date February 23, 2025 (5:00 PM)

How to apply for North Eastern Railway Act Apprentice

To apply for the Act Apprentice posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

  1. Visit the official NER website: www.ner.indianrailways.gov.in.
  2. Register and fill out the online application form.
  3. Upload the required documents.
  4. Pay the processing fee (if applicable).
  5. Submit the application before 5:00 PM on 23rd February 2025.

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