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Software Developer & Support Personnel in Kolkata - Walk-in Interview

The Directorate of Animal Resources and Animal Health, under the Animal Resources Development Department, Government of West Bengal, has announced a recruitment notification for the posts of Software Developer and Software Support Personnel. Eligible candidates are invited to attend a walk-in interview scheduled for February 5, 2025, at Pranisampad Bhawan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata.

Software Jobs in Kolkata 2025: Full Details You Can't Miss

Advertisement No 160 /5P-747/2024
Organization Name Directorate of Animal Resources and Animal Health, West Bengal
Posts name Software Developer, Software Support Personnel
Job location Pranisampad Bhawan, LB-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata
Total number of vacancies 2
Mode of selection Walk-in Interview
Apply mode Offline (Walk-in)
Application Close 05-02-2025
More updates from this website ard.wb.gov.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Software Developer

Qualification: 1st Class MCA, M.Sc. (IT/Computer Science), BE (IT/Computer Science), or B.Tech (IT/Computer Science).

Skills Required: Software design, development, documentation, and implementation support.

Experience: Minimum 3 years.

Age Limit: 21-40 years as of 05-02-2025.

Vacancy: 1 post.

Engagement: Contractual, initially for 1 year.

Software Support Personnel

Qualification: PGDCA, B.Sc (Computer Science), BCA, or DOEACC "A" level (3-year course) or equivalent.

Skills Required: Installation and maintenance of application software and DBMS, implementation support.

Experience: Minimum 3 years.

Age Limit: 21-40 years as of 05-02-2025.

Vacancy: 1 post.

Engagement: Contractual, initially for 1 year.

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 13-01-25
Application close date 05-02-25

How to apply

To apply for the Software Developer, Software Support Personnel posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

Venue: Chamber of the Special Secretary, Animal Resources Development Department, 1st Floor, Pranisampad Bhawan, LB-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700106.

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