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Airports Authority of India (AAI) Recruitment 2025 | 224 Senior Assistants Posts - aai.aero

AAI has released new recruitment guidelines! Candidates with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) can avail scribe assistance, but they must submit medical proof and ensure the scribe meets qualification criteria. Selection will be provisional, subject to document verification, medical checks, and background screening. Also, AAI holds the right to cancel or modify the recruitment process. Admit cards are provisional, and any false information may lead to disqualification. Candidates should check the official website www.aai.aero for authentic updates.

AAI Recruitment 2025 – Eligibility, Selection & Documents – Full Details

Advertisement No 01/2025/NR
Organization Name Airports Authority of India (AAI)
Posts name Senior Assistants
Job location Across India
Total number of vacancies 224
Mode of selection Computer-Based Test (CBT), Document Verification, Skill Test
Apply mode Online
Application Close 05/03/2025
More updates from this website aai.aero

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Senior Assistant (Official Language) – NE-6 Level

Educational Qualification:

  • Master’s in Hindi with English as a subject at the Graduation level. OR Master’s in English with Hindi as a subject at the Graduation level. OR Master’s in any subject (except Hindi/English) with Hindi and English as compulsory/optional subjects at the Graduation level. OR Graduation with Hindi and English as compulsory/optional subjects and a recognized Diploma/Certificate in Translation (Hindi-English) or two years of translation experience in Government or reputed organizations.

Additional Requirement: Computer literacy test in MS Office (Hindi).

Experience: Minimum 2 years of relevant experience.

Senior Assistant (Accounts) – NE-6 Level

Qualification: Graduate (preferably B.Com).

Additional Requirement: Computer literacy test in MS Office.

Experience: Minimum 2 years of relevant experience.

Senior Assistant (Electronics) – NE-6 Level

Qualification: Diploma in Electronics, Telecommunication, or Radio Engineering.

Experience: Minimum 2 years of relevant experience.

Junior Assistant (Fire Service) – NE-4 Level

Qualification: 10th Pass + 3-year Diploma in Mechanical, Automobile, or Fire Engineering. OR Option 2: 12th Pass (Regular Study).

Total Vacancies: Multiple post-wise details

Age Limit:  reserved categories as per government norms.

Category Age Relaxation Additional Notes
SC/ST 5 years -
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 years -
Ex-Servicemen (ESM) 3 years After deduction of military service
AAI Employees 10 years For candidates in regular service
Widows, Divorced & Judicially Separated Women Up to 35 years (UR)
Up to 38 years (OBC)
Up to 40 years (SC/ST)
Required: Death Certificate/Court Order & Affidavit
PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities) 10 years (UR)
13 years (OBC)
15 years (SC/ST)
Minimum 40% disability with a valid certificate
Ex-Agniveers 3 years -
Ex-Agniveers (1st Batch of Agnipath) 5 years -

Selection Prosses for xxxxxxx

The selection process will include:

  • Computer-Based Test (CBT)
  • Document Verification
  • Skill Test/Trade Test (if applicable)
  • Medical Examination (if required)

Application fee

No application fee is required

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 04/02/2025
Application close date 05/03/2025

How to apply for AAI Senior Assistants Recruitment notification

To apply for the Various Senior Assistants posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

Candidates need to apply online through the official website of AAI. Follow these steps to complete the application process:

  1. Visit the official website of AAI: www.aai.aero
  2. Navigate to the ‘Careers’ section and click on the AAI Recruitment 2024 notification.
  3. Read the instructions carefully and click on the ‘Apply Online’ link.
  4. Fill out the application form with accurate details.
  5. Upload necessary documents, including educational certificates, ID proof, and a recent passport-sized photograph.
  6. Pay the application fee, if applicable.
  7. Submit the form and take a printout for future reference.

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