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Anandadhara Recruitment 2025: Apply Now for CRP-EP Posts!

Applications are invited from Women SHG Members under NRLM for the position of Community Resource Persons - Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EP) to support the Micro Enterprise Development (MED) Programme in the Ranaghat-I Development Block.

Anandadhara Recruitment 2025: Apply Now for CRP-EP Posts – Full Details

Advertisement No NAD-62024(11)/1/2024-DMMU SEC I/5645/2025
Organization Name Anandadhara District Office, Nadia Zilla Parishad
Posts name Community Resource Persons - Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EP)
Job location Ranaghat-I Development Block, Nadia, West Bengal
Total number of vacancies 10
Mode of selection Written Exam, Computer & Smartphone Skills Test, Group Activity, Personal Interview
Apply mode Offline (Submit by hand)
Application Close 12-02-2025
More updates from this website anandadhara.wb.gov.in

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Resource Persons - Enterprise Promotion (CRP-EP)

vacancies: 10

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Graduation in any discipline (preferably Commerce).Aptitude for mathematics and business understanding.
  • Basic computer & smartphone skills (Basic Computer Course preferred).
  • Must not hold office in PRI or as an ICDS/ASHA worker.

Age: between 25-45 years (born between 01/01/1980 and 01/01/2000).

Salary: Per day resource fee: Rs. 300/- (maximum based on work plan)Travel expenses reimbursed per existing policy.

Per day resource fee: Rs. 300/- (maximum based on work plan).

Other Criteria:

  • Preference for those with prior experience in enterprise or community leadership.
  • Must be a Woman and Member of SHG under National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) fold.
  • Resident of Ranaghat-I Development Block for at least 2 years.
  • Ability to work outside the village for 15 days per month.

Selection Prosses

Selection Procedure (Written Exam, Practical, Group Activity, Interview): Dates not specified, but will follow after the application deadline.

  1. Written Exam (40 marks, MCQs based on Math & Logic, Class 10 level).
  2. Computer & Smartphone Skills Test (20 marks, Practical).
  3. Group Activity (30 marks).
  4. Personal Interview (10 marks).

Total Marks: 100.

Application fee

No application fee is required

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date 04-02-2025
Application close date 12-02-202

How to apply for Anandadhara Recruitment

To apply for the CRP-EP position in Ranaghat-I Development Block, follow these steps:

  1. Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the criteria (Women SHG Member, Graduation, etc.).
  2. Fill Out Application: Complete the application form with all necessary details.
  3. Submit by Hand: Submit your form at Ranaghat-I Development Block, Habibpur, Near ISCON Mandir between 04-02-2025 to 12-02-2025 (11:00 AM to 04:00 PM).
  4. Selection Process: Written Exam (Math & Logic), Computer Skills Test, Group Activity, and Interview.
  5. Attend Exams: Participate in the selection rounds on the announced dates.

For more information, contact drdc.nadia@gmail.com or call 03472-253079.

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