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Health Worker Recruitment in Mal Municipality - jalpaiguri.gov.in

Office of the Councillors of Mal Municipality has announced Mal Municipality Recruitment 2024 for the post of Honorary Health Worker (HHW). This recruitment is open only to eligible women candidates who are married, divorced, or widowed and permanent residents of Mal Municipality. Interested candidates can apply by submitting their application physically at the municipal office before February 21, 2025 (5:00 PM).

Mal Municipality Latest Vacancy 2025– Full Details

Advertisement No MMIC/1994/Health/2024-25
Organization Name Office of the Councillors of Mal Municipality
Posts name Honorary Health Worker (HHW)
Job location Mal Municipality, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
Total number of vacancies 01
Mode of selection Marks in Madhyamik, Interview
Apply mode Offline (Submit at Municipal Office)
Application Close 21.02.2025
More updates from this website malmunicipality.org

Jobs Positions details from official notification

Honorary Health Worker (HHW)

Vacancy: 01

Qualification: Candidates must have passed Madhyamik (10th) or equivalent examination. Those with higher qualifications can apply, but only Madhyamik marks will be considered in the selection process.

Monthly Honorarium: ₹5,250

Age Limit: 30-40 years (22-40 years for SC/ST/OBC candidates) as of 01.01.2025

Category Age Limit (as of 1-1-25)
General Candidates 30-40 years
SC/ST/OBC Candidates 22-40 years (lower age limit relaxed)

Residency Requirement: Applicants must be permanent residents of Mal Municipality.

Selection Prosses for Mal Municipality Honorary Health Worker

The selection process will be based on:

  • Madhyamik or equivalent marks (90% weightage)
  • Interview (10% weightage)

Candidates will be shortlisted in a 1:10 ratio based on their Madhyamik marks, and shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The final merit list will be prepared based on both Madhyamik marks and interview performance.

Important dates

Notification Date Date
Application start date January 29, 2025
Application close date February 21, 2025 (5:00 PM)

How to apply for Mal Municipality Honorary Health Worker Recruitment

To apply for the Health Worker posts, Here's a step-by-step guide you need to follow the application process:

  1. Download the application format from the official website: www.malmunicipality.org.
  2. Fill out the application form with accurate details.
  3. Attach self-attested copies of the following documents:
    • Madhyamik Admit Card (Proof of Age)
    • Madhyamik Marksheet
    • Proof of Residence (Aadhaar Card/Voter ID/Ration Card)
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable)
    • Marriage Certificate/Voter Card/Ration Card/Aadhaar (mentioning husband’s name) for married candidates
    • Death Certificate of husband (for widows)
    • Divorce Order from Court (for divorcees)
  4. Submit the application physically at the municipal office within working days before February 21, 2025 (5:00 PM).

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