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DH&FWS Yoga Instructor Recruitment in West Bengal: Apply Now for Yoga Teacher Jobs @wbhealth.gov.in


DH&FWS Yoga Instructor Recruitment 2023 in West Bengal

Are you in pursuit of rewarding yoga teacher opportunities in West Bengal for freshers in 2024? Look no further! This article serves as your go-to source for authentic and up-to-date details on government yoga teacher jobs in West Bengal for 2024. Stay tuned for comprehensive information on eligibility criteria, age limits, salary packages, application fees, crucial dates, and the application process.

Government Yoga Teacher Vacancy 2024 West Bengal-Highlights

The District Health and Family Welfare Samiti has unveiled exciting opportunities for both male and female candidates interested in yoga instructor positions. Aspiring candidates keen on securing government yoga instructor vacancies in West Bengal for 2024 should delve into the specifics provided in this article. The recruitment drive is part of a contractual engagement under the esteemed West Bengal Health Department.

What is the Qualification for Yoga Instructor Recruitment

Candidates eligible for this prestigious role should possess a higher secondary or Madhyamik pass certificate and a diploma in yoga and naturopathy. If you meet these criteria, you're one step closer to embarking on a fulfilling career as a yoga teacher.

The Age Criteria of Yoga Instructor Positions

The maximum age limit for applicants is set at 40 years, offering a fair opportunity for a wide range of candidates to explore these sought-after positions.

How Much Salary (Per Month) for a Yoga Instructor Teacher 

Discover the attractive salary package awaiting successful candidates on a monthly basis generally, male Instructors are paid ₹8,000 per month (for 32 sessions) and female Instructors are paid ₹5,000 per month (for 20 sessions). The West Bengal government ensures competitive compensation for dedicated yoga instructors.

How To Apply: Navigate through the application process seamlessly with a step-by-step guide on how to apply for these government yoga teacher vacancies in West Bengal. Follow official instructions to enhance your chances of securing this coveted position.

Access all relevant links, including the online application portal, official notification, and additional resources to streamline your application process. These links serve as invaluable assets in your journey to becoming a government yoga teacher in West Bengal.

DH&FWS Yoga Instructor Recruitment - Apply Now!

In conclusion, this article has been crafted to serve as your comprehensive guide to the West Bengal government yoga teacher recruitment 2024. Dive into this opportunity, and stay updated on the latest developments in the field of yoga instruction. For those already envisioning their career in yoga, this could be the breakthrough you've been waiting for.

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